Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Friendships that Last

I'm not too proud to say that I have lost quite a few friends in my life, it's never the product of a huge betrayal or anything, it just gets pretty hard to maintain friendships. Sometimes physical distance is the culprit, sometimes it's just a matter of growing apart. There are some friendships that survive almost anything, I have two friendships like that. The first is my best friend and cousin Millie, I've known her literally since she was born and one could say that our friendship lasts purely because we're related, but I know better. Mostly because, even when we haven't seen each other for months and months at a time, when we get together we still have tons of things to talk about and we still have common interests. More than all that, I know that we will always be friends because we grew up together and we know each other better than most friends ever do. The second friendship I have like that is my friend, Michelle. There's very few people that I could have as much fun with as her. I'd venture to say that's it is a rarity for two people to spend an hour at CVS laughing at the cards and making up even more hilarious scenarios that the cards would work for. I know that we'll be friends because once again we have lots of things in common and we always have things to talk about. Even more than that, I think we'll always be friends because we've been through a lot. We've went months without talking because of a petty fight and I think we both realized that we don't want that to happen again and that the friendship means so much more to us than the petty stuff ever will. So I think what truly makes a lasting friendship is understanding the other person and wanting the best for your friend. So Shout out to two of my favorite people, Michelle and Millie. I wish you both the best in life, love, and everything in between.

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