Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Lately, David and I have both been a little cash poor, so we usually don't go out to dinner, but this evening David and I went for out for dinner at Troy's, this really yummy diner that serves breakfast all day. We ordered breakfast for dinner and when our food came the waitress told us that these people that had been in the booth next to us had paid for our dinner. The girl's parents give her money for Christmas to spend on other people and she said that she thought it was nice that we were out to dinner together, so she paid for our meal. They left before the waitress told us so we weren't able to thank them, but I still can't get over how incredibly nice that was. It might sound kind of dramatic to say that this act restored my waning faith in humanity, but it really did. It not only reminded me that there good people in the world, it also made me realize how much little random acts of kindness mean to people and how much you can brighten someone's day just by doing something like that. I have had a tendency towards being cynical and kind of pessimistic lately and it just really made me realize how wrong I've been, because yes there are bad people in this world and there are very bad things that happen, but there's still a lot of good in the world. So I'm going to make sure that I pay it forward and find a way to make someone's day and hopefully anyone who reads this will do the same.

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