There are a few stores that I can go into at any given time and find about a million things I love, Target and Michael's are two of those stores. Sadly since I'm no where close to being a millionaire I'm forced to control myself and buy just one or two things. I went to Michael's with the sole purpose of buying some puffy paint for a vase project I'm doing (instructional post coming soon). They were having a clearance on their scrapbooking stuff which includes some pretty amazing stamps. Sadly even with the 40% off I couldn't rationalize spending $5-$8 on a single stamp, but I did get a teal ink pad for $1.99 so I can use the stamps I made in textile design on paper. I thought I could make my own stationary and maybe even some wrapping paper since I didn't get around to making that before Christmas. I also bought the white puffy paint I needed for $1.69 and some embroidery thread for .35 each. I've never tried embroidery before, but my Grandma Frances was embroidering some birds onto fabric and I thought it looked fun so I bought some thread. I've been trying to focus more of my energy into making things after visiting with my grandmother. She's having problems with her eyes due to cataracts and macular degeneration. I visited her while I was home and she told me that she's determined to use her sight while she still has it. That made me realize that I need to not take the little things for granted and make sure to use my sight and other gifts now in case I wouldn't be able to one day. Grandma Frances has become my source for sage wisdom these days and I've become a little obsessed with something she told me her mother used to say, she used to say that she liked to have something to look at the end of the day that she had made, that it made her feel like she'd accomplished something and for that reason she didn't like just reading or watching tv. So I think one of my New Year's Resolutions is going to be "To try to make something each day and have something to show for my day's work" or something along those lines. My brother once told me that I was going to college to become Grandma Frances...well if after 4.5 years of college and thousands of dollars worth of tuition I'm half as talented as Grandma Frances then it was a bargain.
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