I'm super stoked that Thanksgiving is almost here, especially since one of my besties is going with me to West Virginia to dine with the fam. A lot of people say that driving and riding long distances bothers them, but I've always been a huge huge fan of the road trip, especially if I'm driving. I bring my worst, most cheesy songs along and belt them out in a voice that I reserve for when I'm alone and far away from human ears. I do some of my best creative thinking when I'm in the car (and some daydreaming as well) which probably distracts me a little bit from you know being a safe driver and all that jazz but hey I make it there in one piece.
I'm also really excited for Thanksgiving this year, lately I've been missing my family like crazy and I can't wait to see them! Also, it'll be a lot of fun to introduce Michelle to everybody and to eat all that delish food. Every year, my family like many others, goes around the table and has everyone say what they're thankful for and this year my list is this:
I'm thankful for my baby David, my family, my friends, that I'm almost done with school, and that no matter what we all get together and celebrate every Thanksgiving as a a family. The End.