This summer, I am interning four days a week and working a part time job 1-2 days a week. Which makes for a busy summer, but helps me to have a little money in the bank since the internship is unpaid. So I only get a few choice days off and Saturday was the first of those wonderful free days. I of course spent more money than I had planned, but it was just a really great, relaxing day.
I went to an antique place that my supervisor at Anthropologie told me about and I found some great items for super cheap. I'm all about mixing and matching dining chairs so I was on a quest for find a couple and that I did. I found two great matching chairs that were in really good condition and had a great fabric on the seat as well. They set me back a mere $10. Even though I like the fabric on the seat it does have a couple noticeable stains, so I will probably cover it with the fabric that I got from Hancock's. I also found a really cute 70's waste basket and an old, industrial looking light for only $7. After that I went to the Value Village in Kannapolis and found this really neat looking picture of a kitchen that I immediately fell in love with.
Of course no Saturday is complete without a trip to Target (to get some Mediterranean pizza and Red Stripe), then I planted the house plants that I bought a few days ago in some old jars that I had. I ended my wonderful day hanging out with my cats and watching Blue Valentine which was kind of the perfect end to the perfect day if you ask me.