Lately I've been thinking a lot about materialism and even more about simplifying my life. This could be because I'm getting ready to move and I'm realizing just how many little knick knacks I've accumulated in my lifetime. Still, no matter the reason, I feel like I need to simplify my life and get rid of the clutter. I saw this thing online called the "100 Thing Challenge", basically you try to cut back your possessions to 100 things that you actually need. You can make it as strict as you want it to be, you don't have to count every single book that you own as individual possessions, you could just label one of the 100 as "my book collection", etc. I'm far from finished, but here's the start of my list.
1. Wood Trunk
2. Dresser
3. Bed
4. Laptop
5. Laptop Charger
6. Cell Phone
7. Cell Phone Charger
8. Suede Wedges
9. My Leather Boots
10. My purses
11. Fabric
12. My book collection
13. Dancehall painting
14. My leather boots
15. My coatrack
16. Sex and the City DVDs
17. Photos of my friends and family
18. Bamboo Rug
19. Gold birdcage
20. My Vintage Jewelry collection
21. My leather jacket
22. to be continued...